Monday, December 6, 2010

Beautifully Sensitive

I've always been sensitive. Sensitive to people's perceptions of me. Sensitive to what is going on in my life and in others. My heart breaks for everything going on in this world. My heart is broken for those around me and for what happens in our world. Being sensitive isn't a bad thing, I've kind of always thought it has been. Growing up I was told I was too sensitive so I've always had a negative perception with the word. Being sensitive isn't a bad thing. It might make it hard for people to be honest with me because I might not react in a way that they want but in a way that I need too and in a way that is honest to me. I've been in a struggle this semester about who I am and where I stand with people. I feel like I have to bring something to the table in order to be loved but I don't. I just need to bring myself. If people aren't going to love me for who I am than I don't need them in my life. It's taken me a long time to realize that but to dwell on the fact that I just need to come as myself and part of myself is my sensitivity which plays into my heart. My heart of wanting to help people, love people, serve people and wanting to see God's kingdom brought to earth.

Today has been a good day and I've heard this song a couple of times when I've been driving to and from mini-teaching and it's what I've needed to hear. These lyrics speak truth to my heart. I have fallen in love with this song and I'm going to dwell on the truth behind this song. I feel the need to share this with you all and remind you that you are loved. you are loved not only by me but you are loved by the one who created you and the one that desires to have a relationship. He's reminding you that you are beautiful. You are meant for so much more than this.

Beautiful by MercyMe

Days will come when you don't have the strength
And all you hear is you're not worth anything
Wondering if you ever could be loved
And if they truly saw your heart
They'd see too much

You're beautiful, You're beautiful
You are made for so much more than all of this
You're beautiful, You're beautiful
You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His
You're beautiful

Praying that you have the heart to fight
Cuz you are more than what is hurting you tonight
For all the lies you've held inside so long
But they are nothing in the shadow of the cross

You're beautiful, You're beautiful
You are made for so much more than all of this
You're beautiful, You're beautiful
You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His
You're beautiful

Before you ever took a breath
Long before the world began
Of all the wonders He possessed
There was one more precious
Of all the earth and skies above
You're the one He madly loves
Enough to die!

You're beautiful, You're beautiful
In His eyes

You're beautiful!
You are made for so much more than all of this
You're beautiful!
You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His
You're beautiful!
You are made for so much more than all of this
You're beautiful!
You are treasured
You are sacred
You are His

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'm not in a story by myself

I'm not in this story by myself.
When did I become so self-centered?
When did I start thinking that everything had to be about me and how I am doing?
I'm not alone in what I'm feeling and I'm not the only person in my story.
And it's not my story.
I'm just a background character in God's story.
His story is the one that I want to be in.
His story is the one that I want to bring light too.
I've got some pretty amazing people surrounding me and I love them all.
I need to stop letting the petty things bother me.
I need to go back to being me.
I want to go back to being the girl who didn't care what people thought of her.
I want to go back to being the girl who loved everyone and didn't hold things against others.
I've been through the wringer this past semester.
I've felt unloved, unappreciated, and unworthy of friends.
I sometimes question why people are friends with me.
Sometimes I still feel that way but than I dwell on the fact that I am a child of God and that is all that I need.
I am loved. I am His.
Light came into the world 2000 years ago.
Light is the one thing that cannot be overcome.
Light defeats darkness every single time.
Right now the world feels very dark but there are these little pockets of light all around me and I need to cling to the ultimate light in Jesus.
I need to connect myself with the ultimate source.
He will make sure that I stand and that I don't move.
Jesus is the one that I must cling to in this time.
I am a part of his story and I'm not the only person in my story.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Heart

My mind and my heart have been all over the place the past week. I've been reading some blogs/books, hearing some messages, talking with friends, and being shown things by God. This is gonna be a longer post but I really want to share what I've been learning and to hear feedback from you guys. :)

One of the blogs that I follow is Stuff Christians Like, I bookmarked this post (#512 Thinking You Are Naked) awhile ago but I came back to it as a distraction from a paper that I've been writing and it hit me. When did I start feeling shameful of who I am? I've been dealing with that a bit this semester. And I'm getting a lot better and not letting things bother me so much but when did I start feeling shameful of being who I am. Who has been telling me lies and deceitful things? Those words do not come from God. In this post Jon is talking about how when he was bandaging up his 5 year olds wound on her forehead she didn't want a bandaid because she would look silly. When does a 5 year old care about looking silly? Who told her that she would look silly? God asks Adam and Eve a very similar question in Genesis, He asks them who told you that you were naked? Jon says "There is hurt in God’s voice as He asks this question, but there is also a deep sadness, the sense of a father holding a daughter that has for the first time ever, wrapped herself in shame." God asks us who is telling us these lies and these things that we believe about ourselves or think about ourselves. They are not true at all. I am loved. I am cared for. I am appreciated. I am not alone in this world. Jon towards the end says

In Christ we are not worthless.

In Christ we are not hopeless.

In Christ we are not dumb or ugly or forgotten.

In Christ we are not naked.

Isaiah 61:10 it says:
For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness.

God has clothed us in salvation and righteousness. I have nothing to fear. I do not need to be shameful of you I am. Read this blog, it's fantastic.

For my small group this year we are reading the book, Crazy Love by Francis Chan. We are only 2 weeks in but I am loving every part of the book. This past week we read the chapter called you might not finish this chapter. It was talking about how we don't know when our last day on earth is going to be. We don't know when we are going to die and so we need to live each day as if it is our last. But he also talked about how we think life is all about us when it is not. We are just a very small part in this movie that is all about GOD. When he talked about that it made me think of this summer and our theme of what will your story be? I am not writing my story but I am just playing a very small part in God's story. God knows where I am going. God knows what I will be doing next year. God has a part in his story for me.

This also made me think of the speaker during TC and how he said Can people tell who your father is by the way you walk? Can people tell that God is my father by the way that I live my life? I hope and pray that they do but I need to live more and more like Jesus. I need to walk closer with him. I need to give over everything.

I also just finished a paper for my christian spirituality class. It was on the Jesus Prayer. I had heard of it prior to me doing this project but I have since than fallen in love with the meaning behind it and how much power there is in it. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have Mercy on Me, a sinner. To dwell on those words and to call on the name of Jesus is a powerful thing. I need grace and mercy and love. I am a broken individual who needs all of that and I can only ask God to grant me those things. I'm going to begin to pray and meditate on these words everyday. I want to call on the name of Jesus all the time and to dwell in his presence.

The last thing I've had on my heart lately is what we've heard in chapel for the past few weeks. A couple of weeks ago Jim Wallace was here and he spoke with Tim King as well. They talked about social justice, which is something I am becoming more and more passionate about. They talked about loving your neighbor and who your neighbor really is. Jim said you learn the most by being where you don't belong. I'm not sure where I belong right now. I'm not sure what God has in store for me for next year or even next summer. I know He's gonna do great things in and through me. They also talked about having a career and a vocation. A career is something that you get and you are on a ladder seeing how high you can get on that ladder, trying to get ahead in life. A vocation is something totally different. They asked us What fires your passion? What are you really good at? Where is it that your gifts meet the crushing needs of the world? That is your vocation. I have a great love for people. I love people no matter what, or at least I try to, sometimes it's hard and I'm only human. I'm not exactly sure where that is gonna lead me but God will show me in His time.

This week we had Eugene Cho speak at chapel. He is a pastor at a church out in Washington and is the founder of OneDaysWages. Eugene talked about how we are so blessed here in the states. How we make so much, even as college students. He started off by talking about how we are bombarded all the time with advertisements of how we aren't good enough or that we don't have enough. but

80% of the world makes less than $10 a day.

2.7 billion people make less than $2 a day.

1.4 billion people under $1.25 (that's 5 quarters!)

1 billion (yes billion) people don't have access to clean water

I am so blessed. I have more than I need, I am so incredibly blessed. I have food, clothes, shelter, clean water, an awesome job (stressful at times but still awesome) amazing friend and family. I am so incredibly blessed. Onedayswages takes what you would make in 1 day and puts it to work. He shared a story of a family in Burma and how they make $40 a year. A YEAR! That number shocked me, made me feel guilty, and I wanted to cry. I spent that much on groceries last week and these people are supposed to live off of it for a year! We can be a generation that can fall more in love with the ideas of love and compassion. We have a heart for social justice, we just need to turn our deeds into actions.

So for the next 2 weeks I am going to not buy groceries and I will just live off of what I have. I will also not be spending money on luxery items such as eating out or starbucks unless it's from a giftcard. All the money that I save from that will be going to the offering we are taking up in a few weeks at school. We are going to try and raise $15,000 for a poultry farm in Zambia. We have a person who will match whatever we make up to $15,000. I pray that as a school we can come together and make it happen. I pray that we raise more money than that! God can use college students. I saw it happen at Passion 2010 when in 4 days God had 20,000 college students raise just over 1 million dollars. That's crazy but you know what my God is a God of miracles and we are His people and He will provide for us. So if you read this entire thing, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thanks for reading what's been on my heart. I would love to hear what you think of any or all of it.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Why did I doubt?

Why did I ever doubt I was loved and cared for by the people surrounding me?
Why did I ever think that I wasn't appreciated?

I think I figured it out this past week.
I don't want to be a teacher right now.
Yes, you read that correctly, I don't want to teach anymore or at least for the next few years and that has been my identity the past few years. That's all I've been thinking of doing with my life since high school...maybe even before that. I just don't have a passion for it right now, so why do something that I don't have a passion for right now. That's not fair to me or the students that I would be teaching. Maybe I'll change my mind once I get back into the classroom for mini-teaching and student teaching but I'm open to whatever God wants for my life.

I feel like my identity has been so wrapped up in being a teacher that now that I no longer want that my identity is gone. How could people love me for who I am if I don't even know who I am any longer?

I am a Child of the most High God and I rest in that.
I am a daughter of the most High King.
I am a sister to the one who died for all my sins and my sorrows.
I am a branch of the Living Branch.

I still struggle with feeling loved and appreciated by I am also learning how to love me. That's hard for me but I working on it. I'm a broken person and I'm trying to pick up the pieces and put me back together.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Looking for the good...instead of the bad

I am doing so much better.
God is amazing.
God is working.
God is healing me.

This weekend I went away from school to go celebrate my grandma's 85th birthday. I got to see some of my relatives for the first time since my grandpa's funeral 4 years ago. Some of them I had never met before. God reminded me of how blessed I am. There was 33 of us together this weekend. 33 of that come from all walks of life but have one similarity, Doris Frazier. My grandmother is an amazing woman. She has gone through so much in her life and she has relied on God. God has been her stronghold and who she has turned to in everything. Some of my family is going through a tough time in their lives right now and my grandma pulled out this devotional and read "If you can't trace God's hand, you can always trust His heart."

That hit me like a ton of bricks. Right now I can't see God in my life but I know that He is there and that He is working and that HE will PROVIDE. God has surrounded me with an amazing family that I love dearly and I wouldn't trade them for the world. I wish we all lived closer so we could see each other more often but we don't always get what we want. But this weekend I was reminded of how much I am loved and I am appreciated. My love language is a pretty close 3 way tie for first between words of affirmation, quality time, and physical touch. I got a lot of that this weekend. I was loved on and I was able to love my family. I was reminded of how I want to leave a legacy behind. I want to have a ton of kids, and grand kids and great grandkids. My grandma has 5 kids, 13 grandkids (not including spouses on those) and 13 great grand kids with number 14 on the way. I want to be like my grandma to leave a legacy of loving God and loving people.

I will not let the voice of Satan deceive me into thinking I am not loved or appreciated because I am loved and appreciated by the God who created everything. I am loved and appreciated by my family. I am loved and appreciated by my friends. I may not always see it and they may not say it which is hard sometimes but I know that I am loved and appreciated.

This battle is over but I will continue to fight. I will stand up against the world around me and serve the one I love no matter what. I may not see God moving in huge ways right now, but I trust Him and I love Him and I will serve Him no matter what. I will look for the good and not dwell on the bad. I will look to Him to provide everything in my life. I will look for the manna instead of the trial.

If you can't trace God's hand, you can always trust His heart.

Monday, September 27, 2010


I'm hurting.
My life is not what I want it to be.
My life is no where near perfect.
I am hurting.
I am numb. Death no longer affects me.
I've experienced 16 deaths in 3 years.
That's a huge number. My great uncle died about 2 weeks ago. I don't think I've cried about it. I wasn't that close to him but he was still family. He was still part of my life and I won't ever see him again.
My heart is in so many pieces.
I'm broken for my friends.
my family.
my campers.
the world.
the people around me.
We are in a broken world and I am just a part of it.
I'm trying to work through my problems.
I've had so much happen in the past 6 weeks of being back at school.
Losing some friendships.
Friendships changing.
Dealing with broken hearts and broken lives.
I need and desire God more than ever but sometimes I feel like he's forgotten about me.
I feel so under appreciated and not valued by some friends.
I do so much for so many and get spread very thin sometimes.
I don't need to be loved by everyone but sometimes I feel like all I do is give and I never really ever ask for anything in return.
I don't like asking for help.
I feel weak and I don't like to show weakness.
It's something I've always struggled with and will most likely will continue to struggle with.
I am human and I am weak.
I can't do this on my own anymore.
I need help.
I need God more than ever.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I am broken.
I am exhausted.
I am in desperate need of prayer and of support.
I have one and a half weeks left of camp and I'm tired.
This week has been a very hard week. My campers don't listen and love to scream! Please pray that God would just calm them. Pray for me to have the strength and energy to get through the next week and a half. I'm sorry that I haven't posted as often as I would like but life has been busier than I thought. I love you all and cannot wait to catch up in person.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Celebrations Galore

Saturday was my cousin Beckie’s wedding in California. It was also the 60th anniversary party for my camp. Two weeks ago on Wednesday I turned 21 years old. It’s been a time of celebration. God has been so good to me and to my family over the years. God has blessed us so very much. And the family I’m talking about not only is my blood relatives but also my camp family. My friends that I have at camp have truly become like family to me. Camp friends are friends that you really can’t describe and you really just can’t ever forget either. I’ve been so blessed to have so many. While I’ve went to California last week for a few days for my cousins wedding I missed my friends at camp and I missed what’s been happening. This past week was jr. high coed and I was sad not to be counseling but I was glad to be able to work behind the scenes. It was cool to see how my fellow counselors work. When you are a counselor you get so wrapped up in your cabin and your campers that you don’t get a chance to observe the others.

This week is jr. high boys. I’m in the kitchen as an assistant cook. It’s been awesome. The staff has been amazing and so very hardworking. The do everything we ask and are constantly asking how else we can help out. It’s awesome. I’m very tired but not as tired as our guy counselors who are going on week 3 of 4 of counseling straight. I’m praying for them and ask that you would too as well. Be praying for our staff because we are all tired. We are all wiped. We get are getting to the point where we utterly rely on Him alone. Pray that we would be broken and do reach that point of crying to God saying you are the only way I’m making it through this. God has been using us and I pray he continues to use us.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Bug Bites

As I sit here, I'm trying not to scratch at my numerous bug bites. I love almost everything about camp but bugs bites are one thing I could do without. This past of camp was good. Girls camp was really good. My cabin was awesome. They were all first time campers and really enjoyed everything about camp. They loved the campout early morning fishing and everything about handcraft. I made probably 10 bracelets, 2 fish lanyards and gave a ton of lessons. My girls sang and danced during chapel. They heard all about the love of God. I had one really homesick camper. She would cry at random times through, it wasn't predictable at all which made it harder. She made it through the week which was great. I miss my girls. They were wonderful. This week is boys camp so I have a bit of a break which is nice. I'm on rec staff this week which is something I enjoy and I'm good at. Pray that I get the rest I need this week and that God would break us as a staff. Because only when we are completely broken will we be completely and utterly relient on God and he will do wonders through us.

Monday, June 28, 2010

My Heart Has Been Stolen

Jr. Coed is over and Jr. Girls has begun. Jr. Coed went really well this year. I had a great but talkative cabin. I think that the girls really did get a lot out of what we learned and talked about. One of them even accepted Christ which is totally awesome! I definitely had a favorite camper this past week though. I know I’m not supposed to pick favorites but I did. It wasn’t a camper from my cabin but one from my team. His name is Jarell and he stole my heart. He wasn’t the best behaved camper but he definitely was my favorite. Whenever he would come to sports he would give it his all until we were losing or when he got out and than he would run off but I would run after him. I would talk with him and get him to come back and play. He would listen to me and we made a good team. I made us matching bracelets so that we could always remember each other. Saying goodbye to him and the rest of the Kenosha kids was really hard. I ended up crying a couple of times. He definitely stole part of my heart when he left but he turned to me and said don’t worry I’ll be back next year. I met so many amazing campers this past week and I know so many of them will go on to do amazing things for God.

My cabin for girls week is great but half of them are homesick so just be praying for that for right now.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sugar, S'mores, and Bracelets

This has been a long and difficult week. I still have 2 days left but God is faithful and will get me through. My cabin is still very talkative and they don’t really listen any better than they used to. Continue to pray that they would start listening better and that they wouldn't be so talkative during chapel and devos. We had a carnival last night where the campers got snow cones and cotton candy and than later that night at about 10:30, all the girl cabins got s'mores so needless to say it was a little difficult to get my campers to sleep last night. But can I just say that the quiet game works when the consequences are scraping the table at every meal the next day. My team is doing really well. They've been awesome this week. I have a couple of boys that get upset when things don't go our way but they are doing a lot better. It doesn't take as much time to get them to come back from running off. They just need to be loved and not yelled at.Pray that I can show them the love of Jesus and that some of the guy counselors would step up and not be angry or mad when they run off but that they would show them that they are loved. With one of them, I've made matching bracelets and he seemed to really loved that. I've also had a couple of campers make me some bracelets, so needless to say my arms are going to be covered by the end of the summer. Pray that I get sleep and rest. Pray that I can spend as much time with my campers and show them that I love them all but that more importantly Jesus loves them. Pray that their hearts will be open to the message tonight.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Week 1 Day 2

So camp started yesterday. I'm excited to finally have campers and I just love my girls so much. Its really awesome to see some of my past campers and one really cool thing is that my co-counselor this week was actually one of my campers from teen camp last summer. It's really awesome reconnecting with her and being able to work alongside her and pour into campers. I have a really great cabin. I've had a couple of the girls on my team or just know them from past summers. My girls are very talkative as they all are going into 6th grade and just love to chat. This is awesome during the day but makes going to bed difficult. Just be praying that they would be open to the word and that they would want to hear about God's love. Also be praying for Tiffany as she is very homesick right now. She cries mostly at night but she really misses her parents. That's about it for now. I'll try and update in a couple of days.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

I've been at camp for a week and a half already and have been super busy. I love being here. Last week was crazy busy in the kitchen. I worked from 7AM- 10 PM getting food ready, cooking, cleaning and odd jobs all over the place. I have a new found respect for my friends who have worked in the camp kitchen in the past but also a new found respect for those who work in the food industry. There is a lot of unseen stuff that happens behind the scenes in a kitchen. You not only have to cook and serve the food but you have to prep all the food as well. So for me that meant I needed to make enough pancake batter for 525 people in the span of a couple of hours. For a batch of pancake batter for 250 people there is 22.5 lbs of flour, 60 eggs, and mass quantities of other ingredients. Needless to say I was covered from head to toe in flour and everything else. Haha

The rest of the counselors got here this past Friday and it was a good day. We’ve had a lot of fun getting to know each other and I’m really excited to see us come together as a team. There are a lot of different personalities and people on the counseling teams and I think we will all get along. The rest of the staff is wonderful and really supportive. I’m excited to continue to get to know them and joke around with them.

Things that you can be praying for as we finish training week and start camp:

-That we continue to grow as a team and come together. There are still some differences between us and we need to come completely together before the campers get here.

-That this first week is a good week and that campers come with open eyes, ears, and hearts.

-Pray that I can be good counselor and know what to share to my campers.

-That my cabin comes together and that there isn’t a division between them.

-Prayer for safety and health. This will be a long and tough summer and I just pray that I stay healthy and safe.

I love you all so much and would love to hear how you are all doing. Mail, emails, texts, any form of communication is greatly loved.

Until next time.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


10,080 thats how many minutes I have to make an impact on my campers. 10,080 thats how many minutes there are in a week.

These past few weeks I've been thinking a lot about having an impact on people and what I would be remembered for doing or being. On May 8th, one of my friends went to be with the Lord. Bianca was my age when she died. Bianca was so full of life and served God with her whole heart. I only had hung out with Bianca a few times but her smile, her laugh, her love of life was so contagious. I miss her a lot but it made me realize how we don't know when our last day on earth is going to be. We aren't promised tomorrow so we should live our lives to the fullest each and every day. I looked at how this will apply to this summer. I don't want to miss any opportunities to share God's love with a camper or their families. I want to be goofy and crazy. I want to make a fool of myself. I want to lose my voice cheering on my team (we all know this will happen, haha) I want to give my all this summer. I want to impact the kids that I work. I want to shine with the light of Jesus. I want the kids to see Christ in me.

I leave for camp tomorrow. I'm really excited about this summer and about working alongside some amazing people. I would love to hear about your summers and what you have been up to. I love getting mail and I promise you if you write me I will write you back. I will be updating this blog multiple times a week my goal is at least 4 times a week. I love you all so much!

Lake Geneva Youth Camp
W2655 South Street
Lake Geneva, WI 53147

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sun Burns

As I sit here and write this I am experiencing the first of hopefully very few sun burns that I will get this summer. I know it's my fault because I didn't put on sunscreen when I decided to go to the beach with a few friends this weekend but in my defense I also didn't know I was going to the beach when I left with them. But the one thing about sun burn is that it turns into a beautiful tan.

This past weekend I was able to go up to camp for the day for a friend's bridal shower and just to hang out with some friends. It was exciting to see our new chapel. It's gonna be such a great new addition to our camp. It was wonderful to catch up with some friends that I hadn't seen for awhile and to talk about this upcoming summer. We are going to miss the people that aren't going to be coming back but we are so excited about meeting the new people and making new friends. I'm excited to see what this summer will bring. I'm hoping it will bring great memories, great friends, changed lives, and not so many sun burns. :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bonfires and Slip & Slides

Over the past few weeks we've had a few events that have made me super excited for the summer. during a giant rainstorm we had a giant slip and slide which was super fun. It also turned into a mud flight which definitely helps prepare me for camp and all the messy games we play. I've also been to a couple of bonfires where I was able to hang out with new and old friends. It was nice to be able to take a break from everything and just spend time with my friends before we all went our separate ways for the summer. I've been so blessed with so many wonderful friends. I'm going to miss my friends this summer but I am so excited to reconnect with my camp friends and make some new ones. I'm excited about serving alongside some amazing people. I'm excited about serving my incredible God. He has blessed me so much this year. He's blessed me with amazing friends and family who stand by me through the thick and thin. So if you're one of the friends who has been there for me this year. Thank you I love you so much and I'm gonna miss you this summer. For those of you who I will be seeing in about 25 days I can't wait and I'm excited to spend the summer with you. For everyone else who is reading this thank you for the love and support you've given me through the years. I wouldn't be the person I am today without your love, support, and you being role models for me to look up to. So thank you to everyone who has had an impact on my life, I am forever grateful.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

43 days til Camp...I wish I was going today.

I wish I could just be done with school and just be at camp already. This is a very busy week for me and I just wish it was over but God is good and He is faithful and He will help me get through this week. For one of my methods classes we had to write a short journal entry about anything we want and I of course chose camp. so I would like to share that with you all. 43 days til camp and it can't come soon enough.

Camp. The place I've been going the past 12 summers. My second home. Camp where I've met my best friends. The place where I've made life-changing decisions. Camp is where I've laughed, I've cried, I've fought with people and have lived. Camp is where I go when I need to get away from life. No matter how long I've been gone I feel at home. I feel love.
Whenever I see camp friends I smile and my heart skips a beat. Seeing them is like seeing family. You get so close so fast. You have to rely on each other to make it through. Camp is where I've learned so many things and been taught so much.
Camp is for the camper. Sometimes I hate that motto because I am forced to face my fears. heights. snakes. spiders and paintballs. But I wouldn't trade it for anything, anything at all.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

64 Days until I go to Camp

The weather outside today just makes me crave summer. I am preparing myself for an amazing summer. This past summer I was completely blessed by an amazing staff. This staff became my family and I miss them a lot. Camp is a very special place to me. It's where I'm tried a lot. Where I have to utterly depend on God for everything, no matter what. He has to become my everything. He places people into my life to challenge me, come alongside me and push me forward. I am so thankful for my camp family and how they've blessed me so.

This semester has been a tough one for me. I've been busy with work, with school, and with friends. I've also been thinking a lot about my future and how I'll be a senior next year. A year from now I will be working in a first grade classroom student teaching. After I graduate I have no idea what God wants for me or what He has in store. I just want to serve God in all that I do and I just want to give Him all the glory. I just want God to use me and I know He has a plan for my life but I just wish I kinda knew what it was. Ha but I will just have to wait patiently on Him and wait on His timing, because it is perfect.

Our theme this summer is for such a time as this. We are celebrating our 60th anniversary this year. 60 years of faithful service. It's really cool to see how God has worked and changed and used LGYC to affect so many people. I am here at this time for some reason. God has a purpose and a reason for me to be here right now. I am here for such a time as this. I need to live my life to the fullest while I have the opportunity. I will only be blessed with so many days here on earth and I must use them for what He wants me to do. We've experienced a number of deaths here on campus this year. To see so many, young and old, passing on to the next life, the eternal one. Will I have as much of an impact on those around me as Peder Hedberg or Vernard Jones? Will I leave a legacy behind like my grandpa or Phil? I hope that I do and that I let people know about the God I serve and love and that they come to know Him even more. I want to help more people see Jesus and see God's love for them. This is why I spend my summers at camp, not because I get to go boating and swimming everyday, not because I make amazing friends that turn into family (though this is a perk), I don't go to make money (if I wanted to make money during the summer I would stay at home), I go to serve my God and to tell more kids, parents, people in general about God and His love for us. I am here for such a time as this.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

93 Days Til The First Day of Camp

So I've decided to start a blog. This is going to be an account of my summer at camp and the time leading up to it. This is where I will share my stories, good and bad, funny and sad, hopefully not too many injuries or sick campers. I will share my excitement and my frustration. I hope you will come along with me on this journey. I want to share my summer with you.