I've cried lots of tears this summer. Happy ones, sad ones, angry ones and mad ones. I've fought back tears and have let them flow. I have laughed so hard that I've cried and cried because of loss. But today and this weekend I am crying tears for memories. Memories of 10 years ago when our world changed. 10 years ago when the unthinkable happened. 10 years ago when we were attacked and we haven't stopped fighting since.
I was in the 7th grade when 9/11 happened. I remember being at school when some people told me that an airplane had flown into a building, odd but didn't really do anything for me. then another one hit and we knew something was up. In homeroom we turned on the TV and watched the news...we watched the second tower fall to the ground. We watched in horror the repeats of the images of the planes crashing, people leaping, people running and the towers falling. We were in disbelief and I don't think we realized the ramifications of what had happened on that fateful September day.
Today I have watched a few videos and read stories and have cried. 10 years ago. So much has happened in that 10 years. I have known many people to go into the military in the past 10 years. I have known many who have fought and have come home. I have known some who did not get such great of a fate. I am reminded to be thankful for the country we live and the men and women who serve every single day. Not only to the soldiers in other countries, but those here. To the firefighters, policemen, and to all who serve our country I say thank you.
Some will disagree with the war and the fighting and violence. And I say I understand but please do not belittle what these men and women are doing and what they have offered up. It has taken centuries for us to get where we are and for you to be able to voice out your opinion and to sully the name of those who have valiantly served. I thank my grandpa, my great-uncles, my cousins, my second cousins, my father, my uncle, and my friends who have served and some who did not return. I thank them for giving up their comforts and serving. I will stand up for the military and I am proud to be the daughter of someone who served.
I have cried tears for the people we have lost and am so thankful for those who responded and for those who have served. So this weekend reflect on this time and what has gone on in the past ten years. Reflect on the memory of that day and be thankful for your time here. Be thankful for the opportunity to grow up in a country where you are free. Be grateful to be a country where you can cry, tears of happiness and sorrow, joy and pain. Be thankful. And remember