Thursday, May 19, 2011

Yes I'm proud to be a North Park Viking

I will forever be a NP Viking. Saturday I walked across a stage and became a college graduate. I graduated from what? The last 21 years of my life have been somewhat planned out, grow up, go to school, graduate, go to high school, graduate, and go to college so you can finish your education so you can graduate and get a job. Well I did all that, now what?

This past year has been an interesting one. I've had some ups and downs but that's life isn't it? There will always be ups and downs. You will lose some friendships and gain some. I've gained so many incredible friends. I found a great community this past year. It came from places where I wasn't expecting it. It came from the 8 boys that lived next door, it came from the seminary students, it came from the freshmen and sophomore girls, it came from 6 guys that lived two doors down, it came from old friends and new friends. My community loved me and surrounded me and supported me. They loved on me, giving me words of love and encouragement. They surrounded me and called me out on the bad things and helped cultivate the good. I am so grateful for the people God has placed in my life. I don't know where I would be with out them. Some of them will never realize how much they mean to me or how much they actually did for me.

I think that's something about friendships and relationships, we don't really know how much of an affect we had on anyone until those people are out of our lives or we are out of theirs. My friend Ben died last Saturday. He was 21 years old and had so much going for him. That rounds out the number to 21 deaths in the 4 years I was in college. Some definitely affected me more than others, Phil, my uncle mike, dory, and other young people. All the deaths have made me realize that life is short. We don't know when our end is coming, we don't know when this life will end and eternity will begin. I don't want to go off into eternity regretting anything. I don't want to say I wish I would have done more. I want to serve and love Jesus with all that is within me. I'm challenged by this video again 6 years later and I hope it challenges you as well.

So post-graduation I will have no regrets. I will be surrounded by those who love and care for me. I will have a great community. I will also forever and always be proud to be a NP Viking.

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